Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Everyday Life

Things have been moving so swiftly lately, I just can't seem to keep up!
October is already half way through!

The fall colors have moved from the mountain to down here in the valley, and it's beautiful!
The kids are so, so excited for Halloween!  Fortunately, I think they are dialed with their costumes...that's record time for me!  Although, I resorted in buying all the girls' costumes this year, so that helps.

 Last week we picked out our pumpkins.  It doesn't feel like a Halloween until you have pumpkins on your porch, am I right?

I have hardly taken a single photo in the past few weeks.  However, my girls seem to swipe my phone on occasion and snap a few.

  Such as this photo of Haley's cup of tea.
Speaking of tea...I swear I cannot watch an episode of Call the Midwife without a cup of tea in hand!
Anyone else do that?

And these two photos, taken by my darling Rory.

She snapped this photo of my classroom this morning.
I work every morning up until Rory is released from Kindergarten and then sometimes I have to bring her to my room to finish a couple of things before we leave for the day...and she apparently snaps photos while she waits, ha!

We have just one more day this week and then the kids have fall break!
I think we're going to head south for a few days to find some warmth and maybe, just maybe, do some swimming!

Monday, October 2, 2017

Hello October

I love summer...I hate to see it go...I really do.
But I have to admit, fall is beautiful around these parts!

It's peak season for fall colors, and we knew if we didn't get out this weekend it would be gone and we'd miss it!  So we devoted Sunday afternoon to driving through the mountains and soaking in some of this beauty.  Unfortunately, about a million other people had the same idea!  So we aborted our original plan of driving the Alpine Loop  (seriously, the road was backed up for miles!) and decided to go off the beaten path to Squaw Peak road.  This is a dirt road that follows the ridge of the mountain behind our house.  It was much quieter!

Squaw Peak Overlook.
It was stormy and pretty ominous for most of the day, but it made for some amazing views!

We drove the dirt road and got out at various places to walk around and check out the views.
It was quite chilly!!  The temperature sunk down into the 30's at one point!  We even saw a few snow flakes!

After our little walkabouts, admiring the views, we'd jump back in the car and turn the heat full blast to warm up again.  And then when we got home we all put on warm pj's and cozied up on the couch to watch some TV.  I don't think any of us are ready for the cold season yet!

Happy October!