Tuesday, November 7, 2017

St. George Trip

A couple of weeks ago the girls had their fall break from school.  We decided to take that opportunity to soak in some sun in St. George.  It was quick trip, only three days, but it was so worth it!!

We stay in the same hotel pretty much every time we're there.  The main draw is their pool side rooms...it makes such a difference with a family to have access to your room poolside.  We'll pay extra for that luxury!

The kids swam every second they could!

 Haley had to take drastic measures to be able to look at her phone in the blinding sun.  Haha!

 We also spent some time at Snow Canyon State Park...one of our favorite places in Utah!

We've been going to this state park since Haley and Morgan were babies...and I have fond memories of going there as a kid too.  So, it's always so nostalgic...it seriously is one of my favorite places!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Halloween 2017

 Monday evening (the night before Halloween) we carved our pumpkins.  It makes me so happy when it's warm enough to carve outside!  And the dogs are happy too because they get a lot the scraps!

 I think they turned out pretty good!

And to make things a little extra spooky the girls found a black widow on our porch...lovely.
This is the second black widow that we've had around this house since we moved in...the other was found in my laundry room years ago!!  Yes...pretty scary indeed!  They both met their death by being blasted with ant spray...and then squished for good measure.  Sorry spiders.

 This year we have: Lydia Deetz, a dark angel, Dorothy and a cute little witch.

And as for us: Tom Petty (it had to be done this year) and his super fan.

Hope everyone had a great Halloween!!