Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Summer starts now...

...if only the weather would cooperate!
It seems that this year winter will not end!  The last week of school brought temperatures in the 40's/50's and so much rain!  Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the water, but I think we're good now.  Please give me sunshine!  I'm ready to sweat!

I've completed my first full year teaching in Provo and I have loved every bit of it!  It feels so good to be back at work.  I love that I work at the same school my kids go to!  I see them more throughout the day at work than I would if I was a stay at home mom, which makes going back to work full time so much easier!

We've been getting out for family mountain biking at least once a week for the past month and we're hoping to continue this tradition throughout the summer.  It has been so fun to see their confidence grow every ride they do, especially Rory.  We've found some pretty fun trails that are perfect for kids!

I also plan to ride more this summer as well!

So far I have climbed Squaw twice this year and my goal is to climb it more consistently this summer (every week perhaps?).  It hurts so bad, but it sure is a quick way to get into shape!

Summer, here we come!