Thursday, April 24, 2008

Home Again, Home Again...


We're back from our Long Beach adventure. It's good to be home, but I'm missing the warm California weather...right now it's snowing in Provo, AGAIN!!! Anyway, thought I'd post some pictures of the trip.

Yes, this is a squirrel we're holding. My folks rescued a baby squirrel from their backyard and it has become their pet, for the time being anyway. Rocky (that's its name), loved to burrow in Haley's hood. Although she wasn't too fond of it on her, she and Morgan loved watching it in the cage and feeding it peanuts.

This is a picture of the the three of us at the Long Beach Aquarium. The girls loved playing in the water park area, I think Haley was the only kid who got completely soaked.

Haley driving the boat.

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