Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Before Kids

OK, I know lives dramatically change when kids are brought into the picture: issues of money, parenting, more groceries, bigger cars, bigger houses, illnesses (that always gets passed along to the parents), noisy house, noisy car...need I go on? I think you get it. But it's the little changes that I was thinking about.

For example, before kids, when ever I made a cake or cookies or anything sweet I always licked the spoon and maybe even cleaned out the bowl when I was finished. Don't pretend that you don't!! I know I'm not the only one! Anyway, now with kids, when ever I make something sweet they are on me and soon as that mixer is turned off. So of course they get it now. No more eating the batter for me, something we just have to give up I guess with kids.

The other day I was making brownies, except this time the kids were outside playing. As soon as I was done Ryan and I started licking the spoon and bowl. At that moment Haley comes in and at the same time Ryan and I instinctively turned toward the sink with our backs to her.

Haley: "What are you guys doing?"
Us: "Nothing." As we frantically try to finish.

Luckily she wasn't able to piece it all together and went back out to play. But I find it so funny how we have to hide what we're doing, and the fact that we don't want to share it. Aren't we supposed to be teaching our kids sharing! So many times I have found myself hiding out in the kitchen sneaking something sweet. Most of the time when I "hide out" it's because it's something like a truffle, something they are unable to savor as well as I can. They can eat a Hershey kiss instead. But some things are meant to be eaten with a fresh cup of coffee in peace and quiet without any kids hanging on you so each bite can be savored! And if that means I have to hide somewhere, so be it! Something I never had to do before kids!

1 comment:

  1. I can totally see you two with your backs to the kids, scrounging for that last bit of goodness... seriously.. you guys should come over sunday night for dinner, I'll get some dark chocolate.. pretty sure kids don't like that stuff
