Thursday, May 15, 2008

Moving Closer to Insanity

This morning started out well, but then has slowly spiraled out of control (not that I ever have control)...but whatever.

The girls and a I had a few errands to run this morning, one being a visit to the doctors office to get my stitches out...not something I was looking forward to. However, it went well, didn't hurt a bit! But now I'm in constant fear that my incision is going to burst open at any moment. Every time I look over at my shoulder I'm prepared to see blood seeping through my shirt...luckily that hasn't happened.

We also went to Costco to pick up a few things and that is when things took a turn for the worst. Morgan had the biggest meltdown as soon as we entered the store. Sometimes Morgan gets an itch on her bum and for a baby with a diaper, well, it's kind of hard for them to scratch it, so it can be very frustrating and agonizing for them. (I know, too much information) Well, I think that is what started the meltdown. When she's at home she'll sit on the floor and scoot on her bum to take care of it, but in a shopping cart seat there's really nothing she can do. So I try to distract her with some fruit snacks, but she ends up flinging them all over the floor. Then I try giving her a book from the rack to look at, nope, she throws that across the aisle. So I continue on...keep in mind she has not stopped screaming once! A record for her! Now I'm practically running through the store, but unfortunately Haley's wearing her flip flops and they keep flying off her feet, so I have to wait for her every couple minutes. Finally, it was a tube of my lipstick that calmed her down. She didn't know how to get the lipstick out, but she really loved pretending she was putting it on. I'll remember to pull that out first next time!

Morgan wore herself out so much in the store that she started to fall asleep on the way home. Now all mothers know that if they fall asleep in the car, chances are they will not nap well in the afternoon. I NEED that time when Morgan takes a nap, its very important for my sanity. And when else am I supposed to blog? So I rolled down the windows (that helps keep them awake) and we sang "Apples and Bananas" all the way home.

It worked...she's napping now in her room and I get to keep my sanity, for today anyway.

1 comment:

  1. You are on fire this week - your posts have been particulary amusing. Well done, ma'am.
