Monday, June 16, 2008

Haley's Swim Drama...Again

For those keeping up with Haley's swim drama, you will be glad to know that today's lesson went very well!! For those not up to speed, this is Haley's second attempt...the first being a complete disaster and basically left Haley traumatized by the whole thing.

I have her in a lower level class, Water Exploration I think it's called. I told the teacher beforehand, please do not make Haley put her head under the water! That is where most of her fear comes from, and I don't want her to go into freak-out mode again! So anyway, she had a ball! I'm just so thrilled that she stayed in the whole time and is excited about going tomorrow!! I think we're making progress! I'll have to bring my camera so I can include some photos. Maybe this time she'll be smiling in them!

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