Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Doggy Trouble

On Sunday Cassidy's shoulder and leg became very swollen. Before it was swollen she had gotten stuck in a funky position and wasn't able to move for a while, so I thought the swelling might have been related to that. I would just keep an eye on it since she was walking around pretty good still. Well, this morning she was trying to get up the back steps and the swollen mass ruptured and blood was flying out of it. I completely freaked out, Cassidy however, stayed very calm...I don't think she even took notice to it. Blood was everywhere, and Etta kept running around in it...Aaahhhh!!! GROSS!! I got her to the Vet with my brother, Matt's, help. And my sister-in-law, Carrie stayed with the girls...thank goodness for family! Turns out, Cassidy had an abscess that had finally ruptured. They drained it as much as they could and gave her some antibiotics. I'm supposed to put a heat pad on it a few times a day, and wash it out with iodine. I have to stick a syringe in the hole of the abscess and squirt the solution in there. Now if you keep up with my blogging you will already now I am terrible about any medical stuff. I nearly passed out when I saw the blood squirting out of her leg. So this is going to be a very difficult task. I'm just glad she'll be OK. She's been giving us lots of scares lately!

And on a completely different subject: My parents just had an Earthquake in Long Beach. It was a 5.8 based in Chino. That's big! Ryan missed his Earthquake...again.


  1. we want photos of the abscess.

  2. No, you don't. Seriously.

  3. Glad that Cassidy is hangin' tough!

  4. I'll hand it to Ryan...he squirt the iodine solution in her leg last night. She's doing a lot better today.
