Thursday, July 24, 2008

Happy Pioneer Day!

To all my fellow Utahns, I hope you are enjoying your Pioneer Day. As for us, it's really just like any other day. Ryan unfortunately still had to go into work...bummer. And I still had errands to run...nothing different around here. I did put my flag out this morning, so that's kinda getting into the spirit, right? Oh, and I'll be baking some bread this afternoon. Now that's pretty close to being a pioneer I'd say!

The reasoning behind the bread making (no, I'm not trying to be a pioneer) is to save a few bucks. Ask my dad, he loves to add up how much a person could save if they were to bake their own bread...and let me tell you, it's a lot! So anyway, I'm trying to do my part is saving money where I can. Bread making is one way I guess. I also try to limit the car use...however, that's not very difficult since I really don't mind just staying around the house anyway.

So since it's Pioneer Day I was thinking about all the things that I'm grateful for in the summer time...things that the Pioneers did not have:

1. Air Conditioners- this really needs no explanation, I think everyone is in agreement with this one.

2. Fly Swatters- I just bought one this summer, and they are wonderful! I haven't missed a fly yet. It sure beats swinging around a towel or magazine like a crazy women.

3. BBQ's- It just doesn't get easier when cooking over a flame.

4. A Car- Again no explanation needed. I think anyone would prefer this to a handcart or wagon.

5. Fridge/Freezer- Ahhh, ice cream!!

6. This one is for any season: The Epidural!!!- I have no doubt that if I was living during pioneer days I would kick butt. I consider myself pretty tough if need be. However, I think I might have died in child birth if I didn't have an epidural...thanks to Medical Science!!

OK, I guess I could go on and on, but that's good for now. Thinking back to what the Pioneers had to endure, I'm pretty thankful for what I have today.

Anybody else have anything they want to share...share away!

1 comment:

  1. I think they cooked over flames in the pioneer days. I wonder if they called them Bro-B-Qs back then?

    Anyway, thanks for the reminder to give thanks!

    You covered most of mine. Here's a few more...

    Modern bicycles- Way faster than the wooden one of yore.
    Paved roads- Because riding on dirt all the time could turn me into a mountain biker.
    Hospitals- Even though I hate the smell. Because I don't want to be there when you give birth in a log cabin without an epidural. Plus, they save peoples lives.
    I could keep going, but work is to busy... dishwashers, laundry machines, overpriced exotic coffee beverages, In-N-Out, the interwebs.
