Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Playhouse is coming!!

We are awaiting the arrival of my grandparents and Uncle who are driving in today. My grandpa, that would be Haley and Morgan's Great Grandfather, is gracious enough to build a playhouse for our yard. This isn't just any playhouse either! It's going to be 6 feet square and 6 feet high, with a cute little porch. He has basically built most of it already, and he will assemble it when he gets here. They're driving in from the L.B.C. so I don't expect them until later this evening. I've been trying to decide on what colors to paint it...Haley wants green, but we'll see. It took me about 3 months to decide on the color for our living room/kitchen, so hopefully I don't take that long this time! Have I ever mentioned that I can be very indecisive!

On a different note... Morgan has been very interested in the potty these past several days. You would think I would be very excited about this, but to tell you the truth I am SOOOO NOT ready to potty train her! Maybe the last experience of training Haley is too fresh in my mind or maybe it's the fact that I'm trying to train a puppy where to poop...I don't need more poop messes right now! But whatever the reason I'm just not that into it. Of course I'm not going to fight the issue, but I'm not going to force it either. Yesterday, she peed in the potty. I know, I know that's very good! She still wears a diaper for now, but if she wants to use it, I'm certainly not going to say no. Haley is so funny, she's like Morgan's little cheerleader when she's trying to go. That's kinda cute! And Morgan sits there for the longest time squinting her eyes trying so hard to produce something...because the only thing she's really excited about is getting to use the toilet paper is she does go. It's the little things it life!!

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