Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Always read the directions!!

The girls got a play kitchen this week to go into their playhouse. It was an early Christmas gift from the girls' grandparents and us. Super may have seen it at Costco. Anyway, I started to put it together yesterday, and finally finished was a nightmare!! You would not believe how many pieces there were! Then about a third of the way into it I realized that I put one of the boards on backwards, so I had to take the whole thing apart just to put that one piece in right. I guess that's what I get for not reading the directions carefully. At one point Haley came in from the yard and Etta came flying into the house and slid out into my tray of screws making them scatter all over!!! AAHHH!!! Parents should get some kind of award for completing tasks like I screwed in the last screw fireworks should have gone off, or confetti...something! I guess a "Thanks, mom!" should be good enough right? So anyway, it's done and they love it! Thank you grandparents!!
No, this is not my kid!
In other news, I had to go to court this morning for my speeding ticket. It was such a horrible experience!! I never, ever want to do that again!! As I was sitting in the courtroom with all the other offenders waiting for the judge my heart was racing. Then I really started having a panic attack when I realized I would probably have to be first in front of the judge since my last name is Barrett!! That is one of the things I had to get used to after I got married... I went from always being last (last name was Wilson) to now always being one of the first. So I was just hoping that their was someone in there with an "A" last name. Not only did I not want to be first, but I also was very curious as to what the other people did to have to be there. I wouldn't have minded just to sit there and listen to their cases. But anyway, didn't happen, I was first. I thought my knees were going to give out as I stood in front of the VERY stone faced judge. He was very intimidating! To make a short story even shorter, the judge gave me a 26 mph in a 20, instead of my original 31 in a 20mph zone. So my fine was knocked down 100 dollars...yippee!! So I paid my fine and then got the hell out of there, never looking back!!

1 comment:

  1. I was about to say "did we have another kid?".
