Monday, October 6, 2008

Dreary Weekend

It wasn't the greatest of rained pretty much nonstop. I just wanted to mope the whole time, I'm sure I wasn't any help with the girls...I just wasn't feeling it. Saturday I was always on the brink of bursting into tears (I hate that), it was just awful. I'll try not to let this post get too depressing...I just miss my dog. I miss walking out in the yard and seeing her layed out in her usual spots or seeing Etta and her all curled up together. I think it will take awhile for me to get over this.

In other news I tried to find a pair of jeans this weekend, I'm in desperate need of a new pair. However, I failed miserably! I must have tried on a dozen pairs, and not one fit me right! I'm not a fan of the jeans that go to my belly button (I don't care what Sarah Jessica Parker says)! I like the lower rise jeans, but I don't want my crack to show!! And I hate, hate, hate the skinny jeans...some people can pull it off, but I am not one of those people! I'm also not a fan of the jeans with a lot detail all over the pockets, I'm not twelve!! I used to always go to The Gap for jeans, but I think they're screwing around with there sizes because I haven't been able to find a pair that works! Jeans are made for people with curves, and I'm lacking in that area!! It's just so frustrating!! I'm having flashbacks to when I was in search of a swim suit that worked on took forever!! So after the failed shopping trip I went home and ate a brownie, I think I need a little more junk in my trunk!!