Monday, October 20, 2008

I needed a break...

...and I got one! What a fabulous weekend!!

We started it off with a mountain bike ride (just Ryan and I) up South Fork area. It was absolutely beautiful, and the weather could not have been better! A perfect Fall Day! My brother and his wife watched the girls for us...Thank you guys, we needed that break! I wish I could mountain bike more, I just love it! And I certainly could use more practice, that's for sure!

We also went to the World Cup Short Track Speedskating Championships (wow, that's a mouth full) this weekend. It made for a great family outing!

I'm not sure what was going on that night, but the girls were so good (I know, that rarely happens!). This lady sitting near us commented on how well behaved my children were. Yeah, you heard me right...a STRANGER (not my mom, not my friend) a STRANGER said MY children were well behaved! I nearly choked on my drink! I get comments like, "Your girls are so cute!" Or my favorite from a pharmacist at a grocery store, "Oh, your daughter's hair is so beautiful! I've seen your hair color before, but HERS, hers is so pretty!". But anyway, rarely do people comment on how well behaved they are, so that lady made my day!! It's the little things that make moms feel good. So if you see someone frazzled looking mom with her kids, tell her they are well behaved...she'll be talking about that for a week!!

The girls had fun showing off their dancing skills during intermission. Pure entertainment!

Aaahhhhh, don't we look refreshed after such a great weekend!! (You better say yes!)

They were giving away these cool ear warmer bands, the girls loved them! Haley even wore hers today at Walmart, with her awesome cheerleader jersey over a long sleeve shirt and jean skirt (she was looking pretty sweet).

OK, I tried to get some speedskating action shots, but it's nearly impossible. They go so fast, the pictures came out blurry every time, but you get the idea.

I know this picture is crummy too, but that's Apolo in third. He may not have won, but it's was a great race to watch!


  1. I've had them over a year now. I have astigmatism, so I don't need to wear them all the time.

    I only use them when I want to look smart.

  2. I dig 'em. Kind of a "naughty librarian" thing I think. Just kidding, but seriously.

  3. That's funny because I only wear mine when I want to look like a dork.

  4. Ooohh, I am still looking for a Halloween costume! I think you're on to something!

  5. Ha Ha, I didn't see Beth's it sounds like I want to be a dork for Halloween. Like I would ever look like a dork with my glasses...glasses, so hot right now!

  6. Speaking of dorks...are we the only ones who comment on my blog or what?!

    It seems Ryan and I do most of our flirting through my comments! It's really the only time we have to talk these days!

    BTW...Ryan, a "naughty librarian" will be waiting for you there! 10:00 sharp! Oh wait, that's past my bedtime, nevermind!

  7. I'm not sure if the "naughty librarian" costume will fly in Provo. I say go for it.
    Also, you are correct, this is the only time we speak. Anyway, I gotta get back to work. Thanks for raising the kids!

  8. PS- Let me know when they graduate... I'll try to make it!

  9. I said to Chad the other day that I thought it would be hilarious if I dressed up as "naughty nurse" and took the kids trick or treating in our neighborhood.

    Kelly, do you need a costume to go as a dork or can you just go as is? Burn.

  10. least my glasses aren't made by fisher-price!

  11. Umm, it was crayola kids. Get your facts straight... as if I'd own a pair of glasses by fisher-price! Now that's just ridiculous!
