Saturday, January 24, 2009

Kid Time!

So I just discovered something very cool in Provo...Kid Time at the Covey Center! For just three dollars they offer some very fun crafts and games for kids ages 3-12. Each week they focus on a particular theme, this week happened to be Penguins. So it was a very special outing for just Haley and me!

She made an igloo out of a cup, frosting and mini marshmallows; a penguin out of egg crates and paint; and she drew a penguin on sticky paper to hang in her window. They also played a tag game which absolutely confused Haley. It was basically what we know as freeze tag, but they called it some penguin name. Anyway, when they got started there were about 20 kids racing around and then there was Haley who just stood there in the middle of it all, with this completely bewildered look on her face. No one tried to tag her since she basically looked like she was already frozen. I think she just enjoyed watching everyone run around. Then they grouped the kids together on the floor and the instructor threw out little goldfish snacks to them. The idea was that they were penguins and they were supposed to catch the fish in their mouth. But of course it turned into a free-for-all...everyone just grabbing up what fell on the floor, because honestly, what kid can actually catch a fish in their mouth?! Probably not the most sanitary game , but pretty entertaining for us parents to watch!! She pretty much eats off the floor on a daily nothing new there! Then they ended with a cute story.

I'm amazed at how social Haley is! It didn't take long for her to tell her life story to the first instructor she saw. All the lady asked was, "Do you like animals?". That opened a huge can of worms!! Haley told her about Una of course, who she says is her daughter. And then she told her about Lucky her cat. Which I'm pretty sure the instructor thought is was a real cat, but I didn't fill her in that is was actually her prized stuffed kitty. Haley did a great job at making it sound so real! If I didn't know Lucky, I would have thought it to be real too! "She's soooo soft. And she loves to play and she always licks! She's such a silly cat!". On and on! And then any kid that sits down she immediately says, "Hi, do you want to be my friend?!". So cute!

So anyway, she had a great time...we'll have to do again sometime!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds so fun! We're always looking for fun things to do with the kids. Thanks for the tip. We definitely will be checking it out.
