Thursday, January 29, 2009

My time to Shine!

Wow, this week flew by!

The week started off pretty crappy actually. Monday was one of those days that everything just spirals out of control, and absolutely nothing got done, and you just feel horrid all day long! And then on Tuesday, Haley's teacher told me that she hasn't been behaving very well in school. She has started to talk back to the teacher and is screaming when she has to be in time out!! And so it ultimate fear...not behaving in school!!! OK, actually I have a lot fears...but we won't go there right now. So anyway, I was so disappointed. When ever a teacher says, "Hey, do you have a minute?" when you're picking up your kid, it's not a good thing! So anyway, Haley and I immediately created a incentive chart when we got home (the teacher in me was kicking in) and a prize that she gets to pick out (it was a My Little Pony) to work toward. It has worked wonders this week!!! She has been so excited about it! Yesterday, the girls did a huge amount of playing together with NO FIGHTING!! I couldn't believe it, I kept waiting for someone to start screaming, but it never came! And I mean real playing...together...not side by side in the same room...TOGETHER! I know, I know...I'm sounding gaggy right about now...very unlike my normal posts. But I don't care! My kids were PERFECT yesterday!! Yay, for me, I'm such a PERFECT mom!! PERFECT, PERFECT, PERFECT! Ahhhh, even it's just for a day...I'll take it! Sometimes moms need a good day, just to keep them sane...because the next day will most likely return to normal...hell. Just kidding... I love being a mom...honest!

So anyway, back to the prize. Today when I picked her up from school, the teacher said she did super! So Haley got her last sticker she needed to get her pony. So on the way home, that's what we did, and Haley wanted Morgan to have one too. Lucky me! And you won't believe what pony Haley FINALLY got...her prized Rainbow Dash!! Something about seeing both those girls skip (ok, maybe they weren't skipping, but it does make a better visual) out of the store holding their ponies, and Haley so proud of herself...ah, just makes my day! We made up another chart this afternoon. The prize she chose...a camera. Needless to say I added A LOT more squares for her to fill up to get it!


  1. Nicole's nephew Lucas got a little fisher Price digital camera for his birthday and he just totally loves it.

  2. I think that's the one mom was telling me about. I guess it can be dunked in the water or thrown down the stairs, and it's not supposed to break! Perfect for Haley!
