Tuesday, February 10, 2009

And I was doing so good...

Crazy mama comes out again...it's one of those moments that you are so focused on getting a task done that you become completely oblivious to the people around you until you look up and see everyone staring at you. And then you realize what an idiot you must look like at that moment!

During Haley's swim lessons Morgan does super, she plays on the benches or cuddles with me on my lap...she's just the sweetest thing. BUT...once we enter the dressing room to get Haley changed Morgan becomes a terror! Today as I'm undressing Haley, Morgan reaches in the bag to get her Frenchy (stuffed dog), but Haley's panties are stuck to it, so I say "Morgan wait, I need those panties." Well, she thinks this is a fun game and runs all around the locker room while I'm racing around to trying to grab hold of her...meanwhile, Haley is left half naked waiting patiently. And as she's running around her favorite thing is to lift up all the curtains of the people trying to change discreetly behind the partitions...yeah, I'm sure they just love her there. So finally, I get a hold of her and tell her sit beside us and NOT TO MOVE!! Well, that just becomes more of a game, she keeps trying to crawl away (and of course laughing the entire time, just making my blood boil) and I grab her jacket, slide her back...again and again. Finally, I kneel on the ground pinning Morgan between my legs (great thigh workout) all the while trying to get Haley's clothes on. Morgan starts screaming, "OUCH!! OUCH!! MOMMY OUCH!!!". This is when I look up to see two kids standing there staring at me with their mouths hanging open...I'm sure they were thinking, "I'm sure glad SHE'S not my mom!". Well, I finished as fast as I could and got out of there. But of course the temper tantrum of Morgans continues all the way to car where I have wrestle her into her car seat. Awful!

And then on the way home (in the snow), Haley's says, "Mom, California is a lot better then this place...they have a beach!". And then as we pull up to our house she continues, first with a BIG sigh, "Our house is soooo small, Mom."

Thanks Haley.

Kids are so fun!


  1. Ya, gotta admit Haley has a point. California DOES have a beach, and our house is small (relatively speaking).
    Anyway, if you didn't go nuts once in awhile, then I'd be worried.

  2. Just as long as it's not toward you, right?

  3. Preferably, but even that I "get" for the most part.
