Friday, February 6, 2009

Doom and Gloom

It seems that when one things gets stressful, more problems arise! This week has been a roller coaster of emotions.

Ryan's work had more layoffs this week...very scary to say the least. I don't know what a wife can say and what she can't, but I will say that a life where you may or may not know if you have a job tomorrow is no way to live!! With the economy in the crapper, this is NOT a good time to be without work. I feel very fortunate that Ryan still has his job, and that we are not in a desperate situation. But will it last...I sure hope so! It really breaks my heart to the amount of families that have to scramble to find something now. What would WE do if that happened?! I have no doubt that we would figure something out...but it makes me nauseated just to think about it!

When Ryan told me over the phone what had happened, you can imagine how nerve racking that kind of news is! So when I was driving home, of course I was pretty worked up, and stressed. But as I was sitting there deep in thought about our situation, the girls were singing together in the back seat. And it just made me think how innocent and oblivious they are about what's actually is going on! My mom would tell me of times when I was growing up our family would be on a road trip, and something happened to the car and they were so scared that the car wouldn't get us home. And if I think back to that same road trip, all I remember is the fun we had...completely oblivious to the stresses my parents carried on that trip. I envy that carefree attitude children automatically have. And as my mom's our job to make sure they never carry any burden that we may have!

Also, I just found out that Etta (my little Brittany) has a serious knee cap problem. Basically the structure around her knee cap will never be fully developed and the cap occasionally rolls to the side making her have to lift her hind leg when she walks. Eventually it slides back and then she can walk again until it rolls off again. It will soon turn to arthritis unless corrected with surgery. And surgery, which would run about $3,000 is not an option for us. So, all my hopes to train her for field trials is not really something she'll be suited for. Also, because it may be hereditary, I can no longer breed her. I thought I had bought her from a decent breeder. They had registered with the AKC and could trace her bloodlines...but I guess you never know. So, I'm pretty much heartbroken about the whole thing.

My attitude pretty much matches the weather today...gloomy.

Hopefully this weekend should perk things up. My brother, Andrew, has been visiting with us this week. He's been doing quite a bit skiing already with my other brothers. But, this weekend I get to go!! We're going cross country skiing tomorrow and some downhill on Sunday. I need a weekend like this...I can't wait!

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