Thursday, February 26, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!!

Yes, today is my big day! Really, it's no different than any other day around here, but it was a good excuse to buy a big cheese croissant and the French Bakery this morning. Yep, my little Birthday treat. Actually, I ended up sharing it with Morgan and Jeff (Haley was in school). It was a little piece of heaven and I savored every bite!

I'm not sure what's on tap for tonight. I do know that I want to go out to breakfast at some point, it's my favorite meal to go out for! So we'll see. What I would like to do tonight is have Jeff watch the girls so Ryan and I can go play some racquetball! I know, I'm a cheap date. But I had so much fun playing with him last week, I would love to go again. But Survivor is on tonight...oh, decisions, decisions.

In other news, I found a really fun Dog Park to take Etta. Unfortunately, it's in Sandy, which (for all my out of state readers), is 30 minutes away! But, I think it's worth doing every week or so to give her a chance to run around with other dogs in a fenced in area. I sometimes let her off the leash when we go hiking around, but she'll be out of sight for the longest time chasing birds. She always come back, but it really bugs me. Plus, it was actually really fun for the girls...and because it's fenced I don't need to worry about them escaping either! Ha Ha! Haley was throwing a ball for about 5 different dogs at one point. But then a big dog knocked Haley down (not on purpose), but anyway the dog's head bonked Haley's ear really hard. She was pretty upset and crying and then she says in the middle of her sobs, "Mommy, does my ear look the same?". I know, I could have really freaked her out and told her it was gone or something to that effect. But I decided against it and told her that yes her ear was still there and looked the exact same.

Then later another dog knocked Morgan over and she got a pretty big bump on her forehead. But the funny thing about that was she was more worked up about a scrap on her thumb! If her thumb really got her upset, she would have really freaked out if she could see that bump on her head!! Oh, and I was grabbing for Morgan after the dog knocked her down, I pulled something in my hip! It was the weirdest thing, I could barely walk!! I must have turned funny or something...oh, I'm getting old!!

So yeah, we were all beat up and limping out of there when it was time to go, but we had a ball! We were there for about two hours! And both Haley and Morgan can't wait to go again!


  1. Happy Birthday Kelly!! Enjoy your day and evening. I hope all is well!!

    I miss you guys!

  2. Hey, happy belated! Sounds like you guys had a blast at the park... :)
