Monday, March 30, 2009

Can I survive?!

Another cold day...what's new right?! Yesterday it snowed, and then snowed again last night...probably around 3 inches or so. I'm sick of...completely SICK of it. I'm not sure how much more of this I can take!! The really really bad part is...the entire week looks like CRAP!! Snow again on Wednesday and then again on Friday...ugh! Are the weather gods trying to drive me absolutely insane?...well, it's working!!! Next Sunday it's supposed to be sunny and 60, so there's hope in my future! Can I make it?! Let's hope so!

In other news, last week Haley completed her pre-level 2 swim class on Thursday!! Now she's ready to start Level 1. She has to be five for that class, so she'll start in August. It works out well because Morgan will be three, so she'll be in the Pre-level 1 class while Haley is in the other class at the same time, and then I get 1/2 hour break!! Yay for me!

Well, that's all for now. I think I'll go ahead and continue my day of sulking...


  1. Be strong. It sucks, but it has to end soon.

  2. I want to put my boys in swimming lessons this summer too. Are they just at the Provo Rec Center? Amen, to half hour break. I'll take any I can get!

  3. Yeah, that's where I've been going. Your boys would love it!

  4. The winter gods are not being nice to us this year! I want the sun... anyway, hang in there and in a month we will be writing about the heat :)
