Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Do you see the family resemblance?

Welcome the newest member of our family! The breeders that we got Etta from last year had another litter. They took pity on me since Etta has a luxating patella, so they gave me an awesome deal for this one!! Ryan and I have been kicking the idea of owning two dogs for a while now. This type of dog do very well in I've heard...let's hope they are right!
Our new pup (she doesn't have a name yet) is the top photo. The bottom picture is of Etta when she about the same age. I could have gotten an orange and white female, but I really like the liver and white, plus they look like sisters...don't you think?! We get to take her home about the 15th of this month.

I know...I'm crazy! The house is already chaos...might as well add more to it!


  1. I can't believe it!
    That puppy is so cute though. We'll have to come and see her

  2. adorable!! the girls must love it!

  3. I cannot wait for the puppy to come :) She look just like Etta. Remember we are all a little crazy that is what makes the world interesting. Are you going to go with another gun fighter name?
