Thursday, May 7, 2009

Survivor Night

Every Thursday has become our "Picnic Night". And I don't mean in the usual, pack a nice dinner and enjoy a meal in the great outdoors kinda way...nope. Our Thursday "picnic" is, spread the blanket down in the middle of the living room and we all gather in front of the TV kinda way. I know, I know, say what you will about me...but it's not my fault Survivor comes on at 7:00!! Which is, by the way, the exact time we eat dinner around here!

So tonight I try really hard to get dinner on the table at 6:30 when Ryan comes home so we don't have to have "Picnic Night" while my mom is here visiting. But we all end up migrating into the living room at 7:00 anyway...dinner plates and all. Not that my mom minds...she's all ready to have "Picnic Night" next week for Dancing with Stars. Sounds good to me!

But you know...I really like our "Picnic Night"! Gotta mix it up every now and then...right?!

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