Sunday, June 14, 2009

"Date Night"

I love this time of year, when all the kids in the neighborhood are out and about playing. And I love that my girls are old enough to play out in the front yard by themselves (I keep a close eye, don't worry). Even if we've had some pretty stormy/raining weather this entire week, it doesn't stop kids from getting outside. Some days I'll be working in the house and take a peek out at the girls and there will be several others kids out there playing with's great! It reminds me of when I was little and there would always be someone to play with on our street...there were tons of kids everywhere!

Anyway, yesterday evening the girls were out front riding their bikes and a neighbor girl started playing with them. They played from about 5:00 to 8:00...with not a single problem (fighting, screaming, trouble sharing, etc.). I couldn't believe it!! I made some pizza for dinner and the girls were having such a good time they just ran in and grabbed a slice to eat on the run. They played out front, then out back in the playhouse, then eventually moved into the house. Ryan and I didn't know what to do with ourselves!! It was wonderful!!

During the week Ryan and I maybe have an hour of real good conversation. I see him a few minutes in the morning and then he's home around 6:30, we eat (it's hard to have a "real" conversation with two little kids, let's face it), bedtime around 8:30 for the girls (if we're lucky). And then by that point Ryan falls asleep on the sofa or we're just so tired neither one of want to talk, but rather zone out and watch TV...sad, I know! Anyway, so yesterday we had the first "real" conversation ( never interrupted) for the first time in....well, forever!! This neighbor girl was like a little angel!! I needed that!! I had been feeling very overwhelmed and alone with this house hunting stuff, so last night we finally got a chance to really sit down and discuss it!

That's what you call a very cheap "date night"!

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