Friday, July 10, 2009

Long Beach Visit

I should probably update about our trip...I meant to do it yesterday, happens. Anyway, we had a wonderful time! We left early Thursday and the girls did super for the drive! They each have a backpack that they keep all their "stuff" to entertain them for the 9-10 hour drive (books, toys, magnadoodle, magazines etc.). But the thing that really did the trick were the Color Wonder markers and book. They are FABULOUS! The book and markers came in a convenient travel case that doubles as a clipboard and a little caddy for the markers. It entertained them for a long while! I just love it when I find something that really works.

So anyway, back to the trip. We got in Thursday afternoon...just chilled that day. We were all on cloud nine after hearing my mom's good news...great day! Friday, hit up the beach. Haley definitely takes after Ryan when it comes to the beach...she LOVES it! Me...hmmm, not so much. Funny, because I grew up there, and honestly, I didn't go to the beach that much. In my defense, when we took the girls it was cold, cold, cold. I basically stayed huddled in my beach towel the whole time (Morgan eventually joined me, taking a nap on my lap). I did venture out to build a sand castle with Haley at one point. But anyway, the cold doesn't phase Haley at all, she didn't want to leave.

For the 4th we watched the fireworks at my grandparent's house. They live right next to a stadium that does a huge firework show. So we get front row seats, for free! We all sit on their roof and no kidding those fireworks explode right in front of can't beat it! Very exciting!

I got to go on a ride with my dad, shopping with my mom (kid free!), got to catch up with an old friend, even squeeze in a bike ride to breakfast with Ryan. All wonderful!
The girls playing in the massive olive tree in the front yard.

On Monday, my mom planned an afternoon tea party for all us ladies. It was a celebration for her being cancer free...a kick off to a fresh start! What a great idea!! I loved it!! We dressed pretty, and got to eat dainty food while sipping iced tea! In the picture: my two grandparents on either side of my mom and Jennifer, Jeff's girlfriend, and of course the girls and me.

To decorate the table my mom made little albums for everyone. She also made the little caddy for the album to sit in, and she made little paper bags that held a truffle. I know...she is truly the queen of paper's amazing the things she creates! And the food...oh, so yummy! We had scones, tarts, lemon squares, muffins, and little cute sandwiches. What a fun afternoon!

It was sad to leave. Picture of the girls, my parents and my brother Andrew. Jeff didn't make it into the picture, he was working. He has a pretty sweet gig as a lifeguard for the summer.
The drive home was a little tougher. Morgan didn't nap once and had several meltdowns in the car. Lots of potty stops. And the last hour or so we were scared the girls were going to fall asleep, which any parent knows that can be bad. A nap at 7:30 in the evening will result in them being up all night. So Ryan and I kept them awake by singing to kid songs on CD and rolling down the windows every so often to perk them up. It worked, they stayed awake...but to no avail, we couldn't get them to go to sleep until close to eleven that night. Oh well...that's roadtrippin'!

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