Wednesday, July 1, 2009

No Luck Yet

We had found a house in the most perfect location this week. It wasn't the most attractive house on the street, but it had a lot of potential. Also, a great yard! So last night we met with the realtor to see the inside. I kept reminding myself to keep an open mind since I knew it was probably going to be a bit dated inside (the home was built in the 50's). But nothing could prepare me to the time warp I experienced when I walked in! It felt like we were walking on the set for Leave It To Beaver! I kid you not, not one thing had been updated since the house was built...not one thing! Every bathroom had different color porcelain and tile: pink, lime green and an really bad cream color. And the kitchen appliances...oh my, I wasn't even sure they worked they looked so ancient! But I could live with bad porcelain and paneling for a while, that stuff didn't bother me that much. The problem was the layout of the kitchen/dining/family room. It would have to be remodeled, but no matter how I reconfigured it in my head, it just didn't work. I tried...I tried hard to MAKE it work! In fact, I'm still trying to reconfigure it! I want it to work so badly! Oh well...I guess I'll accept defeat on this one. As my dad always says, "There's always another house."

In other news, we're off to the LBC early tomorrow...and when I say early, I mean early! It's going to be hot one through the desert, so hopefully we can get out of here at a reasonable time...beat the heat!

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