Friday, July 17, 2009


Had a meeting with our Lender last night. Crunched some numbers. Definitely an eye opener, or more like a punch in the stomach for me.

This is the way I thought it would be when I started this process: Look for a house, find the perfect house, buy the house and and rent out this happily ever after!

Reality: Look for a house (waaay too much running around, having to drop what you're doing and leave at the drop of hat when the realtor calls). After four months of HARD looking find something we finally love and live with fear everyday that we may not get it. Come to terms that we'll most likely have to sell this house to get what we want (really, I haven't come to terms with that yet). Now a whole new set of worries. Will the house sell? Will we get what we want for it? Stress, Stress and more Stress...that's what this process is! And all the while I'm still trying to be a mom and a wife.

To my neighbors: When you see me going nuts, such as yesterday when my dog got out and I was chasing her up and down the street screaming, making a complete spectacle of myself, and yes, it may looked as if I was going to kill her as soon as I caught her, don't worry she is fine...please remind yourself, "Oh, she's in the process of buying a new house right now." That's a good enough excuse for losing it and making a fool of myself, right?


  1. This is why I have vowed to never move again. When we bought our house, we had an almost two year old Brandon and a 2 month old Parker - not fun to care for such young kids and also house hunt, pack, AND attempt to keep our condo clean at all times for the random viewings our realtor would set up at the last minute! I am feeling your pain right now!!

  2. I hate trying to sell-- one of the reasons why we gave up. Good luck to you! At least the market is starting to recover.
