Thursday, July 23, 2009

Taking a Break

Since Saturday I have been painting up a storm in this house. My focus was the hallway (I've been meaning to do for two years now), but I've moved into the dining area and slowly working my way into the living room. Once I painted the baseboards in the hallway, I needed to keep going...I didn't realize how dirty they really were! I'm pretty much a fan of painting...let me rephrase that...I'm pretty much a fan of painting without children running amok around me. When they're home I'm constantly shouting, "Don't touch the walls!!!!" or "Don't touch the door frame!!!!". And of course they can never just walk normal. First of all, they have to wear big poofy princess dresses that double their width, and when they walk they have to swing their stuffed animals (Una) at their sides....aahhhhh! And when I ask them not to swing their animals around when walking down the hallway, they always answer with something like, "It's not me! It's Una, she can't help it!". Well, Una is going to find a comfy spot in my closet if she doesn't stop!! Anyway, Ryan's been taking the girls out in the evenings giving me a chance to work in peace this's been a big help!

So, I've decided to take a break from painting for a while. I've been wearing the exact same outfit since Saturday (my painting shorts and T-shirt) complete with paint splatter on my arms and legs, hair pulled back everyday (but still managed to get paint in it), and very little make-up. Yep...sounds pretty sexy, huh?

Today my in-laws are driving in! Time to get in party baby is turning three this weekend!! Where does the time go?!

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