Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It's Going Around

My attempt to do everything possible so that my kids DO NOT get sick this year didn't work out that well...well, I shouldn't really say that, I'm sure things could be much much worse. I guess you just can't avoid everything. Something has been going around Haley's Kindergarten class the past couple of weeks and it was just a matter of time that Haley got it. She came down with a fever Sunday morning along with headache, slight cough, and a running nose. She missed school yesterday and today because of it. Actually, she's doing pretty good today, but I wanted to be on the safe side. I'm sure Morgan will be sick by the end of the week...it never fails.

My parents are leaving...for good this time (well, for a while anyway) on Thursday. The house goes back up for rent...I'm bummed to say the least. I was really hoping that it could be left open so they could come and go as they pleased, but they have to do what's best for them right now...I'm just having really hard time excepting that. I know...the selfish child comes out. But it's true...I WANT THEM TO STAY!!!! PLEASE STAY!!!!! I never ever intended to have all grandparents live far away from my kids. I moved here because I was aching to start a family and I knew my parents would be retiring here soon. Well, "soon" has turned into six years. and I realize that they have had their trials and road blocks (my mom's cancer being the biggest)...it definitely hasn't been easy. But I'm still holding on hope that they WILL be here one day for good...NO MORE RENTING! It will happen...one day.

Well, enough of my whining. I've got two days left with them...and I'm going to enjoy every minute of it!!

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