Thursday, October 29, 2009

This and That

So Ryan is off to Minnesota today...actually he's probably already there...enjoying the weather I'm sure. Lucky him. He's there for business and of course some shopping at the Mall of America (just kidding, we all know Ryan hates shopping). Luckily, he'll be back tomorrow night...I think I can manage by myself for a couple of days.

No real news to report. Ryan took the girls to get pumpkins last night and they have been obsessed with them ever since. He bought four big ones and then the farmer gave the girls each a little one to keep. They have been dragging those little pumpkins everywhere. Haley has hers wrapped in a purple feather boa and has it sitting next to her watching a movie at this very moment...I kid you not. And at one point she told Morgan to sit down because her pumpkin couldn't see the TV. And earlier the two of them spent about an hour sitting on the porch cleaning the four big pumpkins. They brushed them with little brooms and wiped them with some baby wipes. They said they were getting them ready to be carved. It's going to be a sad day when it gets all moldy and gross and then we have to toss them.

Of course the girls are pumped for Halloween. Haley gets to wear her costume to school tomorrow. I pretty much have everything ready for them...they're going to be ballerinas. I just have to finish sewing some ribbon on their ballet shoes and then they're good to go. I just hope they don't freeze Halloween's going to be on the chilly side.

On the pregnancy front...I have been very very anxious to feel this little one move! I'm approaching my 16th week so it is possible. I try to lay really still at night and really concentrate on feeling something...but no, just tummy rumbles. It's such a nice feeling when I start to feel the little kicks, it gives me a piece of mind throughout the day. I'll try to be patient.

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