Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wrangler Problems

Sometimes...just sometimes...the state of Utah drives me crazy!

Our Jeep Wrangler needed to be inspected so we could register it. Okay, no biggie, we have to do it every year...and like always, every year it fails in something. This year, however, the state inspection was totally out of line!!

Let me explain: When we moved here 6 years ago the Jeep failed the safety inspection because the wheel fender flares were not big enough, they did not cover our tires. Also, we didn't have mud flaps, another fail. You would think they would be strict in CA and called us out on these things already. But can drive the biggest piece of crap in CA and they wouldn't care. As long as it's runs, you pass inspection. So we learned quickly that here in Utah they are not so loose when it comes to car inspections. Anyway, 6 years ago we did as they asked and replaced the fenders and added mud flaps. Problem solved.

Every year since the car was inspected, and although it failed at other things, the fenders and mudflaps were never an issue. Until this year. We ended up going to another place (big mistake) and they failed us on the fenders and mudflaps!! They say the fenders are not big enough and the mudflaps don't go down far enough...say what?!! We tried to explain that we've already had them replaced...blah, blah, blah...gave our sad story, but they didn't care. So, today I called the main inspection place in Salt Lake and had a Utah State Trooper come out to our house and inspect the Jeep himself. That's right...two can play this game!! I ditched the sweats, put on make-up and pulled out my womanly charm...I know, I'm pulling all the stops...but I'm desperate! So the Trooper came (I'm sure the neighbors were curious as they drove by) and he was totally on my side!! However, he said he needed a second opinion. He took some pictures and is going to show them to his superior or something, and he'll let me know tomorrow if they pass us. Please, please, please!!!


  1. I try hard to be a good, rule following person BUT when there are NO standards in the enforcement of the rules it really bugs me. Way to stand up for yourself and not just roll over and take it!!
