Friday, December 4, 2009

It wasn't food poisoning.

We've come to that conclusion about Jeffy's illness since we were up all last night with Morgan. She started throwing up at about 9:00 in the evening and didn't quit until 5:30...poor little thing. It's been a great long while since I've pulled an all nighter...and let me tell ya, I'm hurting today!

Morgan is feeling a bit better today, she's come down with a fever and is sleeping on the sofa this very minute. I even got a little nap with her while Haley had some quite time in her room after school.

Actually, I'm not as panicked now. Basically I know we're all doomed in this household, it's just a matter of who will be next. We bought the 24 pack of 7-UP and the mega pack of Popsicles...we're ready!

So our newest diagnosis of what this illness is...Norovirus. We're pretty definite on that.

I'm tired. I'm tired of sick children. I'm tired of cleaning up barf off my child, the sheets, the floor, the bed, myself. I try so hard to keep everyone healthy! What I'm doing wrong?! I even disinfected every doorknob in the house after Jeff was sick...along with the ENTIRE bathroom, top to bottom. Morgan doesn't deserve to be sick AGAIN.

Now, it's a waiting game.


  1. Our kids had something like that a couple months ago - throwing up every 20 minutes or so all night long and then LOTS of sleeping. It was no fun, but luckily didn't last too long. Hopefully the sickness doesn't last too long over there. I'm so sorry - sick kids are NO FUN and all nighters when you're pregnant aren't fun either.

  2. I hope she feels better soon and you don't catch it! Sick kids are the worst. :(

  3. I got a stomach bug when I was pregnant with Parker - not fun to be barfing over a big old belly. Hope the rest of you stay healthy!!
