Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

What a day! The girls got up early (around 6:00) to start the festivities and we've been going full blast pretty much all day. We finally got them to bed around 9:15. I'm beat!

I think all the presents were a hit with the girls. Their favorites being the stuffed horse/unicorn and little stuffed dogs that were stocking stuffers. Also, the Flarp...huge hit! Just in case you don't know, Flarp is a putty type stuff that when you push into the little canister it makes a farting noise. So you know, farting noises plus can't go wrong.

We had a massive breakfast of Monkey Bread, sausage and eggs, and then the traditional ham dinner. I've been eating nonstop all day! We had my brother Matt and his family over for a little more gift exchanging this evening. So glad to have a little bit of family here!

A few pictures of the morning.

The girls are holding their prized possessions...their horses and dogs.

Jeff woke up to two girls running into his room shouting, "Santa came here Jeffy!!! He brought presents for you too!!"

So now, we're off to Long Beach! Yay!!

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