Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Drama Queens

Haley has always been on the dramatic side, and now I think Morgan is picking up on it.

When one of the girls gets into trouble because they are not playing nicely, they usually end up on a chair by themselves in another room until they can calm down. Haley has always tried to use her dramatics to get herself off the chair and back to playing. I never fall for it...yet she continues to try. One of her favorites is to call for daddy. "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy...I need are the only one who understands!!!". I would be lying if I said that didn't bother me. Us mothers have to do most of the dirty work (give punishments) to the kids, and the dads get all the fun kid time when they get home from work. But that's a different post.

Anyway, so lately, when Haley gets into trouble she has been yelling from her chair, "NO, I hate getting into trouble...everyone HATES me here...I try so hard...but everyone hates me!". But since that's not working she's now added, "Everyone hates me here! And everyone hates me at my school!". Now, yes that completely breaks my heart inside. Is it true? Probably not...okay, I hope not. I refuse to fall for it! I'll talk to her later about those issues...but by all means...she's NOT getting off of the chair that easy!!

So, yesterday Morgan gets into trouble...I put her on the chair. What does she do..."Mommy, everyone hates me!! And everyone hates me at Haley's school!!".

Drama Queens!


  1. they sound like teenagers already

  2. That certainly brings back memories! Every child has a little hidden actor inside that they try to perfect at their parents' expense! Don't worry. They may not exactly out grow this but the parents learn to distinguish between actual problems & the "feel sorry for me" drama. I'd be lying if I said that they outgrow it :)
