Thursday, February 11, 2010


These two have been driving me INSANE!!!!

This is a picture of them trying to sneak into the living room. I don't like them in the room when the girls are playing with their toys. You can see they are very upset about it...they start to do a type of GI crawl, inching their way closer and closer.

They have been spending more time in the house because the backyard is such a mess. We've had such a wet January with warmer temps that our yard has turned into a muddy swamp. I really really hope that our grass comes back!! So the dogs are either in the dog run out back or in the house. But of course they have to do their business outside, so every time they come back in I've got to clean their paws...which results in me bending over them giving me the most terrible heartburn/indigestion feeling from the 20 lb turkey in my belly! I've been popping tums like you wouldn't believe!! Also, I've been spending a lot of time on my hands and knees cleaning up the floor from their muddy paws. But actually, being on my hands and knees is quite comfortable for me...letting my belly hang is kinda nice. It's like when you're 9 months pregnant and you're cleaning behind the toilet on your hands and knees and realize that letting your belly hang the pressure on your pelvic bone goes completely away and then you think, "I wonder if I can stay here (on your hands and knees beside the toilet) until I give birth"...yeah, it's kinda like that.

Anyway, back to the dogs...did I mention they are driving me crazy!! Etta settles down much faster than Belle. Maybe it's because of her gimpy leg. But Belle...oh my sweet annoying you can be. Jeff describes her as a fly...which is a pretty good comparison. I'm sure she's got a lot of stored up energy since she doesn't get out very much...Ryan will take her out jogging every other day or so. But I guess it's just not enough for her. I think they are due for a trip to the dog park tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. our dogs are driving me crazy too. Another thing I don't enjoy about winter - having the dogs inside more often.
