Friday, March 12, 2010

Chums Classic

This weekend is the kickoff for Utah racing with the stage race Tour Del Sol. Ryan mentioned it in his last post. I know he's bummed that he's not doing it. The idea was to take the whole family down to St. George for the race...get a little sun! But since I'm just about in my ninth month, I just don't feel comfortable leaving town. Ahh, the joys of living with a knocked up wife!

The stage race is called Tour Del Sol...but back in the day it was called Chums Classic. Ryan mentioned the fact that I raced it 15 or so years, memories! First off, it's hard to imagine myself as a bike racer, it just seems forever ago! But none the less, I'm proud of the fact that I was once a competitive athlete...really...I was...honest! And...I enjoyed it!

So I dug up a picture from that very race. Here we're rolling out for the road race. I'm sure you can pick me out.
Really the only things I remember about this race was that it was FREEZING when we started, but I was boiling up by the end. And the fact that it was really hard. Oh, and I remember seeing a woman popping a squat to pee right beside me as we were staging for the race. I know we all need to go...but come on, she could have gone behind a car or something! Be discreet a little at least.

So there you have it, a little tidbit of my past.

In other news...hmmm...well, not much to report. I have been really tired lately! All I want to do is nap and sit around. Let's just hope it's because I'm 35 weeks pregnant and not just being lazy. I'm waiting for this so called "nesting" instinct to kick in soon, as I have tons to do!

One of the biggest things on our mind is the fact that this baby needs a name!! We have a few ideas, but nothing set in stone. It's just so hard for me to settle on anything. And the fact that we have gone through our girl names twice now...I'm running out of ideas! I'll go ahead a say that Kate has always been a name I've loved. But it's just so darn common! So it may have to be a middle name or we'll just throw it out. I'm not going to share any of our runners'll just have to wait! However, I will take suggestions if you have them!


  1. Think I gave all my suggestion over Thanksgiving. Although, I'll just say again that "Elizabeth" is really a timeless classic. Kind of like myself.

  2. That looks to me like the start of the Gunlock loop. I have some amazing memories as well. Thanks for sharing yours. Myabe someday again, we'll both get to be athletic again. That may beat me to this noted status. Hope you're feeling ok!

