Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Okay...I'm back.

30 Days of Content: Day 7

Okay...I'm trying again. I'm starting back up with day 7 because The Mop gave me a freebie and caught me up over the weekend. Yes, I know I still missed Sunday...but whatever...I'm trying!

So I've been thinking about bike racing. I know I've done a post before on the whole bike racing dilemma in our household. But it's a topic that is always on the table in this house. Some couples argue about money, some argue about the children, some argue about jobs, some argue about whether or not they should have a stripper pole in their bedroom. (Hey, it's true...have you seen The Marriage Ref?) Anyway, the thing that Ryan and I fuss over...Bike Racing. Don't start getting bent out shape and start worrying about our marriage or anything...Ryan and I have the strongest marriage I know...seriously...I'm not just saying that...we do...we were meant for each other...soulmates if you will.

But yeah...bike racing. When we do fuss over it, it's hard to actually have an argument because I don't know where I stand. So Ryan becomes more confused! I've said before, and I'll say it again, bike racing is in our blood. I was raised in the sport, I competed in it for years, Ryan and I met through bike racing...I do love the sport! I love watching Ryan race...I do. If someone asked me "When do you find your husband the most sexy?"...I would answer with "When he's racing." Seriously. Something about watching him do what he loves...and of course seeing him in a cycling kit doesn't hurt either.

But then, I get so frustrated when he has to be gone for races...or train. So where do I stand?! If he were to ask me if I wanted him to quit, I would always say NO! I would NEVER do that to him...let's make that very clear! But I don't want to complain about it every season either! I don't want to be the wife that makes him feel guilty when he leaves for a race. Although sometimes he does better going into a race mad or worked up. I'll always remember this time in college when we were dating. One weekend our coach took Ryan aside before his race and told him that he thought our relationship was interfering with his racing...I guess hinting that we should end it. Ryan got pretty upset. He ended up winning that race.

So, I'm not sure what the answer is. I guess it will always be a love/hate relationship (with cycling, not Ryan).

By the way...Thanks Sandy for your post. As you said...we'll keep plugging away!

1 comment:

  1. HuuuRaaa. Let you in on a secret... I tend to quit, Just about every night, and a few times every day.

    trying is Key!

    I'll do Sunday for you... Mostly because I'm an obsessive poster.... and "i'm a professional Quitter".. sounds like a good title. Different than "I'm a professional Quilter"

    again... Ryan... on his own...

    Maybe, you could separate... every bike race.
    ... Ryan walks out door...
    "That is it! we are Breaking up!"

    then he comes back, and it's cute.

    Loved this post BTW... Keep Going Kelly!!
