Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Quick post...

So first off...Piper slept through the night! I guess all I had to do was blog about it for her to start getting the hint that I needed more sleep. And wow, I felt so refreshed! And yes, I woke up to boulders...aka, stripper boobs.

Anyway, I'm pretty proud of myself today. I mowed my parents' lawn (front and back) this morning (they don't come into town until August). My brother usually does it for them but he's out of town, so I had to step up to the plate (I hate that expression by the way...too many people said it on the Apprentice). Now, what's the big deal one might ask. Well, I have NEVER used a mower! Okay, I'm lying...I did try mowing my parents house when I was a kid, but I couldn't finish the job. I couldn't steer it very well and I almost ran into the neighbor's house because I didn't know how to stop it...and the fact that I could see the spinning blades didn't was just a plain scary mower. The whole experience traumatized me, so I didn't touch a mower since. Until today. Yay me! Let's just say mowers have come a long way since then!

Ryan...don't get too excited about this fact.

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