Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Too much stress!

I think I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown. This housing stuff...it's just much more complicated than I ever imagined. All the people out there that can't manage their money and got themselves in trouble with their loans made it ten times harder for the people who handle their money well (us). Since we're keeping the home we currently live in we have to deal with a whole new set of complications. New laws are made, rules for this and that...it's absolutely ridiculous!! It's as if we are being punished for other peoples' mistakes! We're having to jump through so many hoops to make this work. I don't want to get into any detail...but let's just say many tears have been shed (by me) these past two days. But, I think we've finally found the path we need to take to make this work. Fingers crossed.

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