Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fall is Here!

We've really been lucky with the weather these past several, crisp mornings and temps reaching the 70's in the's been wonderful!

I've really been enjoying my walks to and from Haley's school. There is a little pathway (I assume it was put there special for the kids that walk to school) that cuts through the neighborhood, it's very nice to have. We pass two Walnut trees on the walk. I find this fascinating! The walnuts that is. I know it's weird, but I have never seen walnuts straight from the tree before! They grow in green pods, after they drop to the ground the green pod kinda dries up to a black leather. You have to peel the black leather stuff off and have your walnut. Sorry if you already knew this, but I didn't. So every time we pass them we gather up as many as we can find, take them home and snack on "fresh from the tree" walnuts!

Haley, my little nature girl, loves to snack on the concord grapes growing along our fence line. In the beginning I had to teach her how to squeeze the grape out of the skin into you mouth and then spit out the seeds. Since then she has become quite good at it. However, now we have grape skins scattered EVERYWHERE! All over our driveway, garage floor and I've even spotted them in the laundry room (we've had a little chat about where she can throw the skins since then). But anyway, I love that the girls have these things around them, the garden, the fruit trees and walnut trees...I love that they are being raised in this this town.

I think the nice the weather is coming to an end this week. Right now it's raining and the temps will be in the 50's all week. But you know, I kinda like it. I really do enjoy the Fall. I love to hear the rain fall and feel warm and cozy in my home. It's napping and baking weather today. Although I probably won't get a nap, I may get some baking in. Hmmm, I think an apple pie is calling my name.

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