Sunday, October 17, 2010

Time to sum up the week.

I can't believe it's been a week since my last post! There's been a ton going on. I'll try to sum it up.

We finally got a cement pad layed in the backyard for the dog kennel to go more dog kennel on the driveway, which is was beginning to look a little like Cooterville over here. However, they (the dogs) have been going crazy since they don't have a backyard to roam around in. We try to get them out on walks as much as possible, but it's just not enough. So, the next project is the fence.

My dad working away. They had to reroute the sprinklers to make room for a post.
Ryan and my dad...thank goodness for family, or this project may have never happened!
I love that Haley is wearing a swimsuit in mid October.
We've been lucky, the weather has been amazing!

My grandparents have been in town this week, so we've all been getting together for yummy dinners. And I made my very first apple pie the other day using our very own Granny Smith apples! Delicious! I'll have to make another one. Not only do we have tons of apples, but the pears and plums are piling up as well!
The other house has officially been rented (yay), the woman that's renting it moved in last Thursday. I had to get some painting and cleaning taken care of before then, so that kept me busy. I don't mind painting...if fact, I'd even say I enjoy it...but painting with a baby screaming the entire time was not what I'd call fact, it was awful! So with Piper's screaming and Morgan's constant "Are you done yet?!" made for a very unpleasant experience! Glad that's done! Luckily my dad helped with the painting in one of the bedrooms...otherwise I may still be there trying to finish! Again, thank goodness for family!
There is still so much to organize at our house. The garage is absolute disaster! And I still have to unpack boxes in our bathroom...yes, I'm still digging through boxes! I have yet to find my 9x9 baking dish and ladle! I also need to put pictures on the walls...and I won't even discuss what my craft room looks like! So anyway, lots to do still.
I think that's it, although I'm sure I've forgotten something. Speaking of forgetting things, I completely forgot about Piper's 6 month check up on Friday! Yeah, that's what a scatterbrain I've been lately! But I guess that's what I get for scheduling it during the girls' Fall break, there was just too much going on! Yeah, the girls' had Thursday and Friday off of's to kick off the start of the deer hunt...only in Utah!
Okay, gotta get back to it. Taking the dogs out on the trail with the kids...wish me luck!

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