Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Speaking of wish lists...

...this would be the latest on Haley's wish list:

That would be a Justin Bieber doll...she is obsessed. And let me add that she is six...I thought I wouldn't have to deal with obsessions until the tweens. But no. One of her favorite things is to watch the video of his song "Baby" on Youtube. In fact, I believe she knows the lyrics by heart now.

So anyway, she has informed that she really, REALLY wants to get the Justin Bieber doll as her reward when she fills her sticker chart. But I think it may be more than I'm willing to pay. So we have compromised and I will give her half of what it costs and she has to earn the other half herself. So, she has already started a Justin Bieber doll "account" where she puts all her earned money in a little cute coin purse. So far, she has 72 cents...I think she actually found that 72 cents in the bottom of my purse...whatever.

So now she asks everyday, "What chores can do for you today mommy?". Ah, a dream come true...oh, wait, I have to pay her. Well, I'll take what I can get!

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