Saturday, February 5, 2011

Weekend Update

On Saturday we took the girls ice skating...well, Ryan actually skated with them and Piper and I watched from the bleachers. Haley couldn't wait...she has been slightly obsessed with figure skating since she checked out a book on it from the library a few weeks ago. Anyway, I think she had the idea that as soon as she got on the ice she would glide off like it was nothing, doing little jumps and twirls just like a pro. So when she did finally get on the ice she realized (very quickly) that it's not that easy! She fell several times, and got super frustrated with it. She absolutely refused to use one the pusher things...that's for babies she says. So although it was tough in the beginning she didn't give up, and by the end of the session she was doing pretty well, zooming right along. I was very proud of her!

And Morgan, she did use the pusher thingy to help her stay upright and I must say, she did very well too! But after an hour of being on the ice, she was ready to hang up her skates. She came off the ice, plopped herself on a bench and said, "GET THESE SKATES OFF ME AND I WANT TO GO HOME!!". Yep, that's Morgan for ya! When she's had enough, she's had ENOUGH!

Then that night we finally celebrated my brother's Birthday...a couple of weeks late, but better late than never, right? I cooked up some lasagna, foccacia, salad, and a ginormous birthday cake! Good times!

I wanted to include some pictures of Piper. Did you know she's turning 10 months soon?!!
So I dressed her in these footie jammies the other day and noticed that they were getting pretty worn in the feet. A few minutes later I see this:
Hmmm, maybe it's time to put her a bigger size!

Getting some love from Belle...although Piper doesn't seem to be enjoying it.


  1. It looks like you made that delicious peanut butter chocolate cake. Mmm - it's so good!

  2. Yes! That has become one of our favorites!

  3. I love the toes through the jammies! She's so cute.
