Sunday, June 26, 2011

Cascade Springs

Cascade Springs outing: success! Photos: failure.

What is up with our children and taking pictures?!! It's pretty simple right? "Look at the!!", and usually kids will follow through...NOT MINE!

Let's take a look at the photos we took today.

First up...a family photo taken by a stranger.

This person did a horrible job at centering us...perhaps they wanted to capture some of the background...who knows. Ryan and I look pretty decent. But then there's Haley and Morgan...they look like they're being tortured! Can they look any more miserable? And then there's poor Piper...she looks like the forgotten child off to the side, while the four of us are all cuddled up...poor little thing.

Photo: Fail

All the girls on the bridge picture.

This is Ryan while he's taking the picture, "Haley, look at the camera! Haley, look at the camera! Haley, LOOK AT THE CAMERA!!". And this is what we get. Oh, and Piper again...the forgotten child.

Photo: Fail

Second attempt.

"Haley, look at the camera! Haley, look at the camera! HALEY, LOOK AT THE CAMERA!".Okay, you get the idea.

And....still not looking.

And what's up with Morgan expression in this photo...I can't help but laugh every time!

And does Piper look constipated to you?

Photo: Fail

Photo number four.

I promise this is not a swamp behind's actually a very beautiful part of the springs. But you wouldn't know looks very swampy from the picture.

Again, the girls look miserable! Honest, they had tons of fun...all smiles until you tell them to pose...and this is what we get.

Photo: Fail

Second attempt...and our last picture before we threw in the towel.

Haley got the smiling part down, but she sill won't look at the camera!!

And then Morgan..oh, Morgan.

Photo: Fail.

So, you wouldn't tell by these photos, but we had a really nice afternoon today. It was an absolutely beautiful drive up the canyon. And the weather was perfect! Drive with your windows down perfect. Couldn't have been better. Now if we can just get decent photos!!

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