Sunday, July 3, 2011

All is far.

Morgan and the dogs are healing up nicely. Morgan gets her stitches out tomorrow morning and the dogs are returning to their normal hyper selves. I even gave them a bath the other day (the dogs that is) and now they are super fluffy and clean! No more oil smell!

We went to an evening crit Friday night. Apparently the course was absolutely was definitely under a kilometer should NOT have been passed as a course to race on! Anyway, our good friend went down after winning. His speed was too fast to make the turn and ended up breaking his elbow in several pieces. He's been at the hospital for the past two days and we have been taking care of his little poodle. We have learned, bottom line...this is NOT a household for little poodles!! Or any little house dog for that matter! The little thing is terrified at all times! Terrified mainly of our children. It's too bad because the girls absolutely love him, and all he wants to do is get away from them! He doesn't like to be walked by them and they basically just drag him along...they have no idea of course that the dog is miserable. They just skip along, oblivious, like he's having the time of his life! I bet he can't wait to get home! It definitely makes me appreciate our dogs a bit more. They don't mind the kids in the slightest! They actually put up with quite a bit!

In other news, our little Piper is starting to walk a bit more! Although she still relies on crawling, especially when she's in a hurry.

Last night was the stadium firework show in our area. We made a super good dinner of grilled Tri-tip and stayed up late eating cookies and ice cream. We live pretty close to the stadium so we thought maybe we would be able to see the fireworks easily from our backyard. Unfortunately, it wasn't as good as we thought, but the girls loved it regardless. We didn't go to bed until close to 12 and now I'm exhausted.

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