Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Ultrasound Update

I had my ultrasound this morning with the perinatologist. Gosh, I was nervous. But luckily, everything will be okay. It's not a band stretching across my uterus for the baby to get tangled up in, thank goodness! It's some kind of membrane "sheet" that covers part of the outside of the sac. They're not sure why it's there or where it came from exactly, but it's not harming the baby...and that's all I really care about!

I already got all the jokes from my dad: "Don't let your sheet hit the fan." "Take care of your sheet." Yadda Yadda. Leave it to my dad to always see the humor in things!

So there's the good news for the day! Yay me!

Kick away baby girl!

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