Saturday, August 13, 2011

What's new.

My mom and grandparents arrived yesterday...have I mentioned how much I love when family comes to town! We have a few things is a family reunion up at South Fork. The girls are so excited about it! Haley has been preparing for it the last couple of days by scouring the house for loose change. You see, last year there was a little auction at the reunion selling homemade (lots of knitted blankets last year) or gently used items to raise money for next year's reunion. Anyway, last year there was this stuffed bear that Haley fell in love with and tried to bid for it with money she didn't really have (I had no idea she was even in the mix bidding). However, another girl got it for a dollar...Haley was crushed. She literally sat in the field and cried her little heart out for a while. Well, this year she's determined to buy something! Morgan and her and their little purses ready this time!

Next week is BYU Education Week. This is when BYU opens the campus for people from all over to come and sign up for classes on about a gazillion different topics...everything from religious topics to gardening. My mom and grandma go about every year, and they sign up for the whole week. Well, this year, since Ryan's work schedule is more flexible and I'm not nursing a baby for once in my life...I get to go! Well, not for the whole week, but I'm signing up for one day. But it a whole day...just for me!! I'm really looking forward to it!

Last week Morgan saw the movie Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs at Costco. It was only 8 dollars so I bought it. It seems they are pretty sick of all of our other movies and since we don't have TV I caved. Well, they have watched that movie EVERY SINGLE DAY since then. Seriously. I'd say it was worth the 8 dollars.

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