Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Not Much

Not much really going on.

Ryan left today for Vegas. He's working the Iron Man expo, then doing the Outdoor demo thing, and then Interbike...yeah, I'm bummed. But then, he's scoring some major hours for the office...cha-ching! Love that money baby! Whoo! (Reminder: Taledaga Nights reference...I'm not that shallow...but seriously...the money is nice.) Anyway...I'll be holding down the fort for a while solo. Not so thrilled about that part. I'll try my best not to serve mac and cheese and pancakes every night. The good part is my parents are here close that's helpful, and comforting.

In other news, baby names seem to be the topic of discussion around here. It's about that time when I would like to have at least a few names on the table by now. Maybe not anything set in stone yet, but options at least. We've definitely been dragging out feet. It's just so hard when it's the fourth girl! We've been through so many girl names...and the decision is such an important one! The other night I think Ryan and I made some major progress...and we may even have something we agree on. But then, we're known for changing things up at the last second too. You never know.

Well, off I go to enjoy the silence of the afternoon...two girls in school and one taking a nap.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there! Rory leaves tomorrow for 3 weeks, but this is the last trip of the season! I always make a huge pot of soup and freeze it in smaller containers. Eston and I can eat soup for weeks! Good luck with names!
