Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving morning.

Dining rooms are great places to build secret hiding places.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! In a few hours we will be off to my folks house to completely stuff ourselves...this being one of my favorite meals of the year! My task are the sweet potatoes, and this marks the very first time I have ever cooked one. Crazy huh? Hope I don't screw them up!

Of course I'm grateful for our home and our health, but this year I'm especially grateful for family and friends. This year has been a difficult one...job change and health insurance issues...but mainly dealing with a very unpredictable pregnancy. There were a lot of scares during the entire nine months. It's been an emotional ride for sure...and it's not even over yet. I could not have gotten through it without the love and support of those around me. My family did not hesitate to come to our aid when I was on bed rest. Taking over the entire household and child care for those 15 weeks I was laid up. The power of family is amazing and I'm forever grateful! I owe them so much!

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