Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Little Things

It's getting close now. Close to meeting this new addition to our family. As frustrated as I am with the fact that I haven't given birth yet (after preterm labor, five days in the hospital, and 7 weeks bed rest...yeah, I'm not bitter or anything)...truth is, she'll be here within the next couple of weeks. This I know for sure. Anyway, I'm getting a little nervous about it. I'll have two kids under the age of two and in diapers. I'll have to orchestrate naps, feedings, little sleep and diaper changes (among other things), while still being there for my older two: homework, getting to and from school, yadda yadda. Oh, and Christmas is right around the corner! Yeah, I'm a little scared.

But, it's funny that when I'm feeling a bit frazzled, or scared that I won't being able to be the mom I want to be. I see something like this:

Haley actually wrote this while in trouble in her room. She never brought it to me...she had left the notebook open on the floor of her room. I needed that.

Today while dropping off Morgan to her Kindergarten class I knew Haley was at lunch at that exact time. So I poked my head into the cafeteria to see if I could see her real quick before I went back home. Sure enough there she was sitting at a table with some classmates. I walked over and she was so surprised and excited to see me. She did not hesitate to give me a big hug and kiss. I love that! I love that she's still at that age that seeing her mother in the cafeteria, in front of her class no less doesn't phase her a bit. I didn't want to leave.

It's these little things that give me so much joy. It reassures me that I'm doing okay...even when I'm so frazzled or at my wits end as a mother.

Little conversation with Haley the other day:

Me: "Haley, you need to help clean up the family room."

Haley: "WHAT?! I didn't even make that mess!!! So I don't need to help!"

Me: "Well, I don't NEED to make this dinner for you...I don't NEED to fold your clothes...but I do those things because I love you and we're a family and we help each other."

Haley: "Well, Mom...you are kind of the master at those things."

Hmmm...the Master. I kinda like it.


  1. Great post. Love ya, hot stuff.

  2. Wow - I am going to use that line. You're much smoother than me. I just tell her to suck it up - she's part of the family.
