Monday, January 9, 2012

Family Night Failure

I've been trying to stay consistent with having family night every Monday. I think it's important...I do. Plus, the kids love it! I'm kind of a rookie with the whole thing, but I'm learning...kind of.

So tonight we were all going to sit down together and come up with goals for the new year. One goal in education, another in sports, and finally a goal for family/home. Each person would record their goals on paper and decorate it all cutesy and then hang them in their room. Ryan and I even made ours before hand so we would have a model of what they could look like for the girls. So we all get together around the table, have our opening prayer (which Haley gave beautifully), I'm feeling like a super awesome mom because my family looks so perfect at that moment. Everyone is eager and happy.

Ryan and I talk about goals so they have some understanding and show them our samples and what our goals are for the year. Okay, so far so good. We lay the markers out, give them paper and they get to it.

Then everything went downhill from there. The girls spent way too long writing their names at the top of the page, making it all curly letters and swirls and this and that all over their letters. I guess I made the mistake of making my letters in my name a little too cutesy because they focused mainly on that instead of my goals! Rory screamed the entire time in my arms. Piper kept scribbling on the walls and on herself. Markers kept falling on the floor and caps went missing. And then when they were finally ready to write their goals, they ask, "What's a goal?" WHAT?! Are you kidding me?! Where were you when I just explained all that?!!

Anyway, at that point all I wanted to do was rip their papers into teeny tiny pieces and throw the markers across the room! Yeah, super awesome mom...not so much.

They didn't even finish...I was too frustrated. Maybe we'll try again tomorrow...maybe not. But do you know what the worst part is? My goal for the family/home was to "RELAX! Don't stress over the little things!" Damn...failed again.