Monday, January 23, 2012

Weekend Review

Ryan had to work over the weekend and my quest to be a super awesome mom while he was gone was proving to be more difficult by Saturday. First of all, it was raining all day so the idea of going anywhere with everyone just sounded exhausting to me. And then the girls were just bickering and fighting nonstop which drove me bonkers!

To add things to the mix I discovered that our basement window well filled up with water and began to stream through the window flooding our basement. So, in the pouring rain I had to lower myself into the well amongst prickly berry bushes to empty it using a 5 gallon bucket. Morgan was a sport, and helped me quite a bit!

It was pretty comical actually watching her drag the buckets of water away from the well to dump out. Water kept splashing up all over her. And as you can see, she was only wearing a big T-shirt, jacket, and boots...her choice by the way. Pretty good look.

Haley snuck away and then appeared in the window with little signs that cheered me on.

Luckily, I managed to stop the water from destroying our basement and fixed the rain gutter that caused all the mess. Of course this was all after my panicked phone call to my dad, "What do I do...water is coming through the window?!!!!" Thanks for you help dad!

Sunday went a little more smoothly, thank goodness!

Some Valentine decorations we made. I thought the girls did a great job! Although, after this project it looked like a glitter bomb exploded in my kitchen! I think I'll be finding glitter in there for months!

Oh, and we finally got snow!

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